Ad formats
You can reach our global audience either through our exclusive in-game ad format or banner ads on our website.In-game ads
We have created a unique in-game Minecraft ad format which reaches every Minecraft player that has a Minecraft server provided by us in their in-game server list. While the server is offline, we provide a custom MOTD (Message Of The Day) in the server list that informs the user about the current server status. This message can have up to two lines and we can use the second line for ads. It comes with some technical restrictions but is a unique and exciting way to reach Minecraft players.

The in-game ad format is great to reach a large audience to create or improve brand awareness over a longer time span. You could also promote short term events rapidly to millions of Minecraft players. Its unique form gets the attention of the user much better than banner ads on websites that users are used to and often ignore.
Website ads
We also offer different ad formats on our server administration panel, which every Aternos server user visits regularly to start and manage their Minecraft server.
Banner ads
Our three website banner ads are present on every panel page in the same configuration.
- 300x600
- 160x600
- 300x250
- 970x90
- 728x90
- 468x90
- 320x50
- 970x250
- 970x90
- 728x90
- 468x60
- 336x280
- 300x250
- 320x50